Refactoring of the Vina code to be able to be used as a library
Can load external maps
Support of simultaneous docking of multiple ligands and batch mode for virtual screening
Support of macrocycle molecules
Addition of the hydrated docking protocol
Added AutoDock4 and Vinardo forcefields
Added Python bindings for Python 3
Bug fix: the affinities reported with flexible side chains were sometimes incorrect. (This problem had no effect on the predicted binding modes or their relative ranking, or on rigid receptor docking)
Bug fix: the individual term values, before weighting, reported only with “score_only”, were often wrong. (This problem had no effect on the predicted binding modes or affinities)
The predicted binding modes are made less redundant by requiring that no two reported modes differ by less than 1 Angstrom RMSD(U.B.), counting all movable heavy atoms, including those in the side chains. Previously, Vina avoided this kind of redundancy during the actual docking, but made no such guarantee w.r.t. the output because of the subsequent refinement stage that could move different binding modes closer
Bug fix: in some very unusual cases, numerical rounding errors would accumulate, leading, internally, to a distorted ligand structure. The self-checks in Vina would catch this and make the program quit rather than write invalid output. This numerical error accumulation is believed to have been fixed in this update
A warning is added when the search space is greater than 27000 Angstrom^3 in volume, as confusing Angstroms with “grid points” is a frequent user error
Source code released
License changed to Apache
Extensive code clean-up that however should not have any effect on the end users
Unix binary packages changed to simple archives
Added “advanced options” intended to be primarily used by people interested in methods development.
These should allow scoring without minimization; performing local optimization only; randomizing the input with no search (this is useful for testing docking software); changing the weights from their default values; displaying the individual contributions to the intermolecular score, before weighting (these are shown with “–score_only”)
Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) support added
A bug related to (very rarely) not finding any modes when the “num_modes” setting is low (e.g. 1) has been fixed.
Fixed a bug that excluded conformations in which only a hydrogen atom was outside the search space.
When the search space is too small or misplaced, so that the ligand and flexible side chain conformations can not be found within it, Vina will no longer produce any “binding modes” and print a warning instead
Minor improvements in user-friendliness of the error messages.
Support for earlier versions of Linux added, such as Debian 4.0
Friendlier and more specific error messages for PDBQT syntax errors
“all” parameter is now called “out” and is always enabled. Individual binding modes are no longer written separately. If needed, the multimodel output can be split into individual models using a separate program called “vina_split”, included in the distribution
The default “num_modes” value changed to 9.